Program in Mobile Game Design & Integration

PMGDI is a comprehensive career-oriented course in game design, focusing on Game Art tailored for all segments of mobile games. Spanning 16 months, this program at MAAC delves into key aspects of gaming, including Game Art & Design Fundamentals, Advanced Game Art & Design, Game Engine usage, and a specialization in Mobile Gaming. If you dream of building a successful career in the rapidly growing gaming industry, this course provides the perfect opportunity to learn from experienced mentors and industry professionals.

Duration : 388 Hrs

Achieve Your Goals with Strategy
The gaming industry is rapidly growing worldwide, combining creativity, technology, and immersive storytelling. With high demand across console, mobile, and PC platforms, it offers exciting career opportunities and excellent earning potential. If you’re passionate about game design, programming, and creating engaging experiences, the gaming industry is a dynamic field with diverse roles to explore. Join Maac
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